
Children who need your support

Would you consider joining our ministry and meet the needs of one of these children today?


Betty Nakiru

Girl, 23 years old

Betty was 8 years old when she first became an IChooseYou child. Originally from Karamoja, Betty, her 3 sisters, 2 brothers, mother, and father lived a meager existence.


Jacob Odongo

Boy, 20 years old

Jacob and his twin brother, Isaac, grew up in a broken home. His father abandoned the family when they were young without providing anything for their basic needs.


Joan Kalenda

Girl, 22 years old

Joan was born to a single mother. Joan’s father required Joan’s mother to become Muslim before he would marry and provide for her and Joan.


Manuela Mpindi

Girl, 23 years old

Manuela grew up in a large family with 8 siblings. They lived a difficult life on a small plot of mediocre farmland that her father worked hard to grow crops on.


Martha Apio

Girl, 22 years old

Martha grew up in a family with 3 siblings. Her father worked as a temporary farmer and her mother worked small odd jobs but there wasn’t enough money for food or regular education.

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