
Victoria Kisakye

Girl, 6 years old

Quick facts

My story

Victoria is 6 years old and lives with her 3 siblings and her dad. Her dad has an unknown health condition in his stomach. He's been treated at the clinic, but the doctors are unsure how to help him and he worsens every year. He has been the family bread winner, but has been working less and less, and has become unable to provide all the family needs. Victoria’s grandmother has decided to come and live with her, but she is very old and sick herself. Victoria has not had any schooling yet.


What can I expect as a sponsor?

  • A packet with your child’s story and a photo
  • A new photo of your child at least once a year
  • Information on how to write a letter to your child
  • At least 2 letters from your child every year
  • Ministry updates on a regular basis
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