
Betty Nakiru

Girl, 23 years old

Quick facts

I want to become aTeacher

Scholarship funds needed

$3,940 remainingof $4,500
12% funded

My story

Betty was 8 years old when she first became an IChooseYou child. Originally from Karamoja, Betty, her 3 sisters, 2 brothers, mother, and father lived a meager existence. Things got worse for the family when her father died in Karamoja, leaving them with no one to provide. Betty and her family soon uprooted and moved to Namatala. With no steady income she and her siblings resorted to picking through trash for food, and rummaging for discarded charcoal as a means of light, heat and cooking fuel. From these sad and desperate beginnings, we rejoice that God has faithfully brought Betty through to university. She has worked so hard in her studies and has recently enrolled in university where she is studying to become a teacher. Betty is one of the brightest IChooseYou students with consistently excellent grades. She will be an amazing teacher in Uganda!


What can I expect as a sponsor?

  • A packet with your child’s story and a photo
  • A new photo of your child at least once a year
  • Information on how to write a letter to your child
  • At least 2 letters from your child every year
  • Ministry updates on a regular basis
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